Chris Reddick Financial Planning, LLC

Chris Reddick Financial Planning (CRFP) is a San Antonio-based fee-only and advice-only financial planning firm. We specialize in retirement, investment, and financial planning, especially for public service professionals and educators. We take an education values-based approach that encourages learning about your financial situation, inspiring you to take action, and working with you to achieve your financial goals. As a result, we move clients from feeling restricted and overwhelmed about their finances to feeling focused and empowered. We offer hourly, project, and monthly subscription financial planning. We serve clients locally in the San Antonio area and virtually nationwide.


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The Pros and Cons of Taking a Pension Lump Sum or Annuity

by Chris Reddick on

Having a pension is becoming increasingly rare, especially in the private sector. Many private pensions have been frozen, and employees can no longer contribute. With a pension, the most crucial decision for your retirement you’ll face is whether to take your pension as a lump sum or an annuity...

At Chris Reddick Financial Planning, we Educate you about your personal finances, Inspire you to make meaningful change, and help you Achieve your short and long-term financial goals. Learn more about the movement at

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